This weekend I had the incredible opportunity to discuss my upcoming missions trip with my church. The people within my church, especially my young adult group, have been supporting me since the beginning of this entire journey. For the last few months, I have been talking with my church missions team. They encouraged me to discuss my trip with my church and to tell them about where God is calling me! Today, when speaking, I shared a little about my trip. I shared about Adventures in Missions and why I was interested in working with them, where I was going and what my trip would look like, and most importantly, what God is putting on my heart. It was wonderful to share everything I’m excited about and so many people offered to pray and give their support! It is such a blessing to have my church come and offer their support to me as I prepare to leave!
You can watch the recording of the service here. It is the February 2, 2025 sermon; I spoke for about the last 10 minutes.